Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's Finals Week Again :(

This week is [dun dun dun...] finals week, everyone's favorite time of year! :) In light of my 10 minute procrastination break, I thought I'd share an atypical finals week schedule (i.e., my schedule) with you. Unlike many of my colleagues, I actually have a fairly light exam load this term. Of my four current classes, one had the final exam two weeks ago, another doesn't have an exam component, and one is an independent study which has a final paper instead of an exam. Sound easy? Well, I wouldn't take it that far.  But I am thankful that I took a lighter load this course; it will make the next few days much less painful!

8:30 am - Head to church for Praise and Worship team practice
10:00 am - Church service
12 pm - 5:30 pm - Write thesis proposal...(ugh...not fun!)
6:15 pm - Shopping and setting up for Resident Community Advisor "study break" program in Shattuck International House tonight
7 pm - 9 pm - Hang out with Shattuck residents for my program (while frantically trying to write)
all night - Write! Write! Write!

8:30 am - 10:30 am - Last Biostatistics lecture (who thought it was a good idea to have lectures during the week of final exams?!)
AM - Continue writing, writing, writing
12:30 pm - 10 minute chair massage, compliments of HSPH !
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm - Biostatistics review session that I organized for exam on Wednesday

8 am - 1:30 pm - Research assistantship job through the Research Program on Children and Global Adversity
Rest of the day (and night) - Biostatistics cramming!!

8:30 am - 10:30 am - Biostatistics final exam!!
11 am - Final Independent Study meeting to discuss my thesis proposal/literature review
12:30-1:30 pm - Maternal and Child Health Seminar Course
3:30 pm - Docs appt
PM - Try and catch up with some friends before they travel for the Christmas Holiday

8 - 12:30 pm - Research assistant job
1 pm - 2 pm - Massage workshop, compliments of the "Maintain, Don't Gain" Harvard Wellness Center holiday program
PM - frantically try to find a first and second reader for my thesis
5 - 8 pm - Work at the Office of Diversity

AM - Work to finishing putting in my 15 hours as a research assistant
1:30 pm - exercise!!
PM - Keep searching for thesis committee members; hand in signed proposal today and try to catch up on other departmental paperwork
6:30 pm - Praise and Worship practice


I won't be leaving Boston until next week, so I'll be sure to give you another update before I head home for the holiday break!

Until next time...

Success is a journey, not a destination.
-From Ben Sweetland


  1. Ah! Mine is even more hectic. In addition to your biostat final and thesis thing, which I also have to do, I have a paper due on Tuesday, a Presentation on Thursday, a paper due on Friday aaaaand a paper due the following Tuesday.

    Good luck!!
    and Happy Holidays!
    Peace and Love,

  2. That was certainly a jam-packed week for you, Yvette! Good thing you can handle all of them and doesn’t get stress out a lot. Well, I think aside from the exam, your thesis proposal was another thing that can make your week more stressful. Anyway, what happened the week after that?  
